Insurance Case Study

Brandgility helps balance the corporate-franchise business model through brand templating

The modern concept of insurance started becoming a part of everyday life in the 18th century. By the early 1800s, both the agent and direct-to-consumer selling models had already taken shape and were part of the commercial landscape.

When the internet entered the mainstream in the mid-1990s, insurance quickly climbed aboard and revolutionized the industry. The revolution began with providing basic company information online and soon turned into self-serve policy access. Moving into the 21st century, the insurance industry further evolved to become the full-service integrated web-and-app platform known worldwide today.

Serving a growing,
diverse customer base

Even as modern D2C insurance has flourished with the advent of new technology, direct writer franchisees and independent brokers still facilitate the majority of insurance transactions. This multi-channel success causes insurance companies to invest in both D2C and agent-to-consumer sales. However, juggling two business models across channels can cause wear and tear on brand strength and continuity. This is what led our insurance company client to adopt brand templating. For the insurance company, technology opened the door to more competition, but it also increased opportunity through greater global access.

Such potential led to scaling for growth and, eventually, new business demands. Exponential expansion in the late 1990s and into the 21st Century also meant serving an increasingly large and diverse customer base. The company needed to speak to a varied audience while keeping its brand strong and focused. Accounting for differences in language, culture, and demographics, in both direct and agent-led selling models, takes easily customizable marketing materials. Using a templating platform can allow both corporate and franchise distributed team members to create this differentiation in-house.


Even as modern D2C insurance has flourished with the advent of new technology, direct writer franchisees and independent brokers still facilitate the majority of insurance transactions.

Customizing while
staying on brand

The insurer was looking for software with robust localization capabilities, meaning marketing collateral could be tailored to a local audience using translation and other cultural modifications. Being able to reach customers and potential customers in their comfort zone is key when promoting a service-based product. Since its inception, the insurer has found success through targeted marketing and continues to maintain this commitment to personalization.

Having the ability to rapidly respond to current trends and ever-changing legal obligations was also important to the company. With 18 corporate offices and hundreds of local franchisees blanketing the US, the insurer needed to be able to produce marketing pieces that stayed true to their brand across regions and channels. The messaging customization needed to stay within acceptable branding parameters while keeping things like logos, fonts, and colors consistent.

Customizing while ,[object Object], staying on brand

Training for independence

The insurer turned to Brandgility to assist in solving its cross-company, cross-channel customization issues. Onboarding went well with the Brandgility team aiding in setup and usage instructions. Once everything was solidly in place and training was complete, the insurance company’s team was able to take control and independently manage the platform. This included implementing Brandgility throughout their franchise community.

Agile templating allowed for agile marketing. Within the first couple of years of employing Brandgility, the insurer forged multiple success avenues. In addition to the localization that drives their business diversity, the team also found versatility in customizing their calls to action. Through digital and print production, utilizing both static assets and dynamic template content, GEICO has used Brandgility to move its business forward while protecting brand continuity.

Training for independence

An innovative connection

Since the insurer’s inception decades ago, it has embodied innovation, targeting, and niche-filling, standards by which Brandgility does business. This parallel of principles has ensured a steady, positive relationship between the two companies. The insurer has been experiencing Brandgility’s benefits since 2019 and continues to find new ways to use the platform to support its marketing efforts.

Having both its corporate and franchise offices employing Brandgility allows the insurer to stay consistently on brand regardless of which pathway customers choose to interact. The ease of use and distribution while maintaining brand control has created a tool one of the United States’ largest auto insurers can depend on for years to come.


Once everything was solidly in place and training was complete, the insurance company's team was able to take control and independently manage the platform.

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